Manajemen PR

project worksheet  1
Executive summary
 (gak ad worksheet nya.)

project worksheet  2
Name  :
Date    :

Situation Analysis
Answer the following question about the client for your public relation plan.

1.       What type of for public relation does the cient have?
     Standing (on-going)


2.       Describe the problem (s) or need (s) facing the client.

3.       S-W-O-T  analysis :
a.       What are the client’s strengths?
b.      What are the client’s weaknesses?
c.       What opportunities exist for the client to exploit?
d.      What threats face the client?

4.       Who are the client’s  major competitors?

5.       Who are the client’s major costumers or service recipients?

6.       What other background information about the client, the client’s products or service, or the client’s industry is important to understand this situation?

7.       What secondary research exists to help inform this plan?

8.       What primary research could be done to better understand t he situation?

project worksheet  3
Name  :
Date    :

Answer the following question about the objective(s) for your public relation plan.
1.       What type of objective(s) will the plan address?


2.       Objective statement #1 : (write a draft of your first objective)

What is being measured?
What is the quantified goal?
What is the deadline for achieving the goal?

3.       Objective statement #2 : (write a draft of your second objective)



What is being measured?
What is the quantified goal?
What is the deadline for achieving the goal?

Answer the following questions about your onjectives statements:
4.       How do the objective(s) relate to the overall goals of organization?

5.       In what way are the objectives oriented toward improvement?

6.       Are they clearly stated and easily understood?

7.       Are they specific as to what will be accomplished?

8.       Are they sated using measurable outcomes?

9.       Are they attainable or realistic? Explain why you believe so.

project worksheet  4
Name  :
Date    :

1.       Describe in detail primary audience number 1:
Profile of primary audience number 1.

Why is this audience a primary audience?

2.       Describe in detail primary public number 2 (if any):
Profile of primary number 2.

Why is this audience a primary audience?

3.       Describe in detail secondary public number 1 (if any):
Profile of secondary audience number 1.

Why is this audience a primary audience?

4.       Describe in detail secondary audience number 2(if any):
Profile of secondary audience number 1.

Why is this audience a primary audience?

project worksheet  5
Name  :
Date    :

1.       Brainstorm some possible strategies for the client. The more ideas the better.

2.       Which of these seem to best target the audience you identified earlier and meet the objectives of this public relations plan? Narrow the list, selecting the most feasible or practical, but be clear that your choices will speak to your primary and secondary audiences and will accomplish the objectives.

3.       Create a complete strategy statement for each strategy. Too many strategies will complicate and confuse your efforts. One is usually enough. More may be necessary if there are several targeted primary audiences that are quite different.
Strategy statement number 1:

Strategy statement number 2, if any:

Strategy statement number 3, if any:

project worksheet  6
Name  :
Date    :

List each strategy from Part 5, and brainstorm tactics for executing that energy. Think if as many tactics as possible. You can later edit the list. The important thing at this stage is to think of as many ways as possible of effectively communicating the strategies to the target audience(s).
Strategy : ____________________________________________________________________________________

Target Audience(s): ___________________________________________________________________________

Possible Tactics:

Strategy :  ____________________________________________________________________________________

Target Audience(s): ___________________________________________________________________________

Possible Tactics:

project worksheet  7
Name  :
Date    :

     What is the beginning date for your PR plan? ____________________________
     What is the end date?________________________
     Organize your major tactics in the order in which they should happen during the plan. Think about the logic of the roll out of the plan and the resources required to do each thing. Don’t overburden yourself by trying to do everything at once.

                Tactic                                                                  Execution Date
1.  _______________________________        ________
2.   _______________________________       ________
3.     ______________________________        ________
  1.  ______________________________         ________
  2.  ______________________________          ________
  3.  ______________________________          ________
  4.  ______________________________          ________
  5.  ______________________________          ________
  6.  ______________________________          ________
  7.  ______________________________          ________
  8. ______________________________           ________
  9. ______________________________          _________
  10. ______________________________           ________
  11. ______________________________           ________
  12. ______________________________           ________

       From the list, create a Gantt chart for the tactics that you will employ in the plan.   


project worksheet  8
Name  :
Date    :

 Itemize the major expenses associated with the execution of the public relations plan.

Expense                                                                  Amount  $
__________________________________    _____
__________________________________    _____
__________________________________    _____
__________________________________    _____
__________________________________    _____
__________________________________    _____
__________________________________    _____
__________________________________    _____
__________________________________    _____
__________________________________    _____
__________________________________    _____
__________________________________    _____
__________________________________    _____
__________________________________    _____

project worksheet  9
Name  :
Date    :

Restate objective number one.

What can you measure quantitatively in this objective?

How can you evaluate the outcome of this objective? What evaluation technique(s) is/are oppropriate for this objective? Only one is necessary, but sometimes more than one is appropriate or necessary.
a.       __________________________________________________________________________________
b.      __________________________________________________________________________________
c.       __________________________________________________________________________________
d.      __________________________________________________________________________________
e.      __________________________________________________________________________________

Reastate objective number two (if any).

What can you measure quantitatively in this objective?

How can you evaluate the outcome of this objective? What evaluation technique(s) is/are appropriate for this objective? Only one necessary, but sometimes more than one is appropriate or necessary.
a.       __________________________________________________________________________________
b.      __________________________________________________________________________________
c.       __________________________________________________________________________________
d.      __________________________________________________________________________________
e.      __________________________________________________________________________________

Reastate objective number two (if any).

What can you measure quantitatively in this objective?

How can you evaluate the outcome of this objective? What evaluation technique(s) is/are appropriate for this objective? Only one necessary, but sometimes more than one is appropriate or necessary.
a.       __________________________________________________________________________________
b.      __________________________________________________________________________________
c.       __________________________________________________________________________________
d.      __________________________________________________________________________________
e.      __________________________________________________________________________________

project worksheet  10
Name  :
Date    :

List the sources of statiscs, imagen, or other information used in the plan. If there is direct quote a text, show it clearly in quotes in the narrative.

Material Used                                                                          Source
_______________________________________      _________        
_______________________________________      _________       
_______________________________________      _________      
_______________________________________      _________
_______________________________________      _________
_______________________________________      _________
_______________________________________      _________
_______________________________________      _________
_______________________________________     _________
_______________________________________     _________
_______________________________________     _________
_______________________________________     _________
_______________________________________     _________
_______________________________________     _________

KPT 12

Marketing Public Relations dan Sponsorship Marketing

            Bab ini membahas berbagai peran yang dijalankan oleh aspek-aspek PR dari program komunikasi pemasaran terintegrasi. Bab ini juga membahas  topik-topik yang berkaitan dengan cause dan event pemasaran sebagai bagian dari praktek yang lebih umum yang dikenal sebagai sponsorship marketing.

Marketing Public Relations
            Public Relations, merupakan kegiatan organisasi dalam mengatur googwill antara perusahaan dan berbagai kelompok masyarakat. Upaya PR ditujukan pada sejumlah pihak. PR berkaitan dengan semua organisasi public yang relevan. Sebagian besar kegiatan PR tidak hanya melibatkan pemasaran saja tetapi juga masalah saja tetapi juga masalah manajemen umum. MPR selanjutnya dapat dibagi lagi menjadi PR proaktif atau reaktif.
                MPR proaktif ditentukan oleh tujuan pemasaran perusahaan sehingga berorientasi ofensif ketimbang defensif serta mencari peluang ketimbang pemecahan masalah.
            MPR proaktif merupakan sarana untuk mengkomunikasikan keunggulan merek dan sering digunakan dalam periklanan, promosi, dan penjualan perorangan.
            MPR reaktif menggambarkan perilaku PR dalam merespons pengaruh dari luar. MPR reaktif berupaya untuk memperbaiki reputasi perusahaan, mencegah erosi pasar, dan merebut kembali penjualan yang hilang.

            Publisitas adalah sarana MPR proaktif yang utama. Tujuan fundamental dan publisitas untuk meningkatkan ekuitas merek terbagi 2, yaitu :
1.      Melalui kesadaran merek
2.      Menambah citra merek melalui asosiasi  yang kuat dan menguntungkan dengan merek-merek dalam benak para konsumen.

Tiga bentuk publisitas yang sering digunakan dalam PR yang berorientasi pemasaran adalah:
  1. Product release
  2. Executive statement release
  3. Feature article

Perkembangan pasar yang tidak diantisipasi dapat membuat suatu perusahaan sangat memerlukan PR pemasaran yang reaktif. Kecacatan dan kegagalan produk merupakan faktor yang paling dramatasi yang mendasari akan kebutuhan akan MPR reaktif.
Sponsor ship meliputi 2 kegiatan utama, yaitu :
  1. Petukaran antar sponsor (seperti merek) dan pihak yang disponsori (seperti peristiwa olahraga) dimana pihak terakhir yang menerima fee dan pihak sponsor memperleh hakuntuk dikaitkan dengan kegiatan yang disponsori.
  2. Pemasaran asosiasi oleh sponsor.

Event Sponsorship
Event sponsorship adalah bentuk promosi merek yang mengikatsuatu merek dengan aktivitas pertandingan atletik, hiburan, kebudayaan, sosial, atau aktivitas publik yang menarik lainnya.

Memilih sponsor ship
Faktor –faktor khusus yang harus dipertimbangkan perusahaan ketika memilih  suatu event(evaluasi dalam bentuk pertanyaan)
  1. Apakah even konsisten dengan citra merek
  2. Apakah even tersebut menawarkan kemungkinan yang kuat menjangkau audiens sasaran yang diinginkan
  3. Apakah even tersebut secara geografis cocok
  4. Apaka even ini merupakan kompetisi yang telah disponsori sebelumnya dan apakah ada resiko dalam mensponsori even dianggap sebagai me tooistic dan membingungkan audiens sasaran terhadap  identitas sponsor
  5. Apakah even tersebut kusut
  6. Apakah even tersebut melengkapi sponsor ship yang sudah ada dan sesuai dengan program komunikasi pemasaran lainnya untuk merek
  7. Apakah even secara ekonomis dapat berjalan terus

Sumber :
Shim,Tereance A., Penerjemah : Revyani Sjahrial S.E. dan Dyah Anikasari S.Sos, 2003, Periklanan Promosi : Aspek Tambahan Komunikasi Pemasaran Terpadu Jilid II, Erlangga, Jakarta.bab 19